"Everyone Deserves a Healthy Home"

WSHI Lic. #1362
Price list
Single Family Home Full Inspection
Multi-Family Building Full Inspection
New construction to 5 years old:
*Full Inspection (up to 1000 sq ft) ................................... $275
(1000-1500 sq ft) .................................... $325
(1501-2000 sq ft) .................................... $375
(2001-2500 sq ft) .................................... $425
(2501-3000 sq ft) .................................... $450
(3001+ please call to schedule an estimate)
Homes 5 to 15 years old:
*Full Inspection (up to 1000 sq ft) ................................... $375
(1001-1500 sq ft) .................................... $400
(1501-2000 sq ft) .................................... $425
(2001-2500 sq ft) .................................... $475
(2501-3000 sq ft) .................................... $500
Homes 15 to 30 years is an additional $100
(3001+ please call to schedule an estimate)
Over 30 years: please call to schedule an estimate
*additional charges for mileage may apply
Additional Options
Detached Structures (up to 500 sq ft)* ........................... $100+
Single Item Inspection*...................................................... $125-225
Re-inspection* .................................................................... $150
*additional charges for mileage may apply
Payment for services are due at the time of inspection. All inspections are performed in strict accordance with the National Association of Home Inspectors (NAHI) and the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics and are in compliance with Washington State Home Inspection laws. Most Home Inspection Reports are issued within 24 hrs. of the inspection.
For a full inspections on multi-family buildings please call to schedule an estimate.
we are only a phone call away