"Everyone Deserves a Healthy Home"

WSHI Lic. #1362
By using CP Home Inspections LLC, you will benefit from our experience in the areas of home inspections, construction techniques and materials knowledge. We can also give estimates for repairs for an additional fee. We will deliver inspection reports that meet or exceed the state standards of practice. We encourage you or your representative be presence during the inspection. By being present we can familiarize you with the home and the inspection process and consult with you to extend our knowledge of systems, materials, service locations as well as ongoing maintenance areas. An easy-to-read computer generated report including digital pictures will then be created and delivered to you via email typically within 24 hours.
Our qualified inspections are performed to a strict code of ethics:
Follow nationally accepted Standards of Practice
Work Exclusively for the Client
Not perform inspection item repairs on any home inspected for a period of 1 year
We will be objective in our reporting and not knowingly understate or overstate the significance of reported conditions.
We shall be fair, honest, impartial, and act in good faith in dealing with the public and not discriminate.
Pre-Listing Inspections
Prior to listing, an inspection can be very valuable or advantageous to owners who may not be familiar with their homes structure, systems and materials. A great percentage of sales are cancelled due to buyer's shock at the functional or physical condition of the home. It may look great, but many serious structural, safety, or functional issues are not obvious to the owner's. Usually in many cases this is due to the problems developing under the house, in the attic, in areas not readily accessible and viewable or the seller’s lack of knowledge in the home building profession. We also offer consulting services for owner/sellers for a less formal process and is an ideal way to identify what repairs might be needed before placing the home on the market. Sometimes repairing items can be most beneficial towards completing a timely sale at a better value. Where the owner can't make the repairs, disclosing them up front and pricing the home based upon that disclosure can often produce a higher, faster net sales price for the owner. If the owner request a complete compliant home inspection,
Pre-Purchase Inspection
A home inspection is an essential process to protect your long term investment and safety. It is a technical and visual process where all of the items typically used within a home are tested and/or operated to verify proper operation or installation. Doors and windows are opened and closed, roofing materials inspected, air-conditioning and heating systems operated. Sinks, tub(s), shower(s), faucets or values and toilets will get tested. The electrical systems get checked for safety and operation. Health and safety items, stairs, handrails, guardrails, landings, and overhead garage doors will be checked.
New Construction Inspections
Most home construction inspections are generally performed at the completion of construction, but prior to your final walk through with the Builder or Superintendent. We recommend “progress/quality control” (QC) inspections be performed at similar intervals as the local jurisdiction might require, or at a minimum before progress payments are made. Although the local County or City has an inspection process, their main focus is on codes, health and safety. Code is a “minimum” requirement, thus quality of workmanship and materials is not controlled and in fact, not a requirement, so quality, energy loss, longevity, health and sustainability are greatly overlooked. CP Home Inspections Progress inspections will help to ensure your investment by monitoring, best building practices and materials. This can greatly improve, energy loss, indoor air quality, overall sustainability and costs. If the buyer or owner elects for just one final inspection, it is best scheduled just a day or two before your final walk through with the Builder. This will ensure that most, if not all, last minute items have been completed prior to your inspection.
Pre-Warranty ExpirationInspections
Warranty Inspections are performed during the 11th month of your 1 year builder warranty. These inspections can be very beneficial to ensure any defective items are addressed to prevent future problems. Many problems start in the first year and go undetected until surfacing to been seen. The inspection will be performed to verify that proper building techniques and materials were used and that the various components of the home were properly installed and properly operating.
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